The Facts About Revision Rhinoplasty

If you are considering rhinoplasty and you are horrified by the idea of a secondary surgery, do not despair. When you make an appointment to discuss your nose job, your surgeon will most likely readily talk about the possibilities that you will need to go back under the knife.

Often times, people will be very conservative when planning their first nose job surgery. They won't want to take off too much for fear of not liking the look of their new nose. Perhaps, they are concerned about not looking like themselves. Whatever the reason behind being conservative during the first surgery, when they recover they may have wished they would have gone farther.

A surgeon will recommend waiting a while to make sure your nose has fully recovered, or that you will not grow to like your new nose. The waiting period suggested by most surgeons is at least a year. After you have had an adjustment period, and you still don't love your new nose, the surgeon will schedule a follow-up series of appointments. You and the surgeon will plan the next procedure and get you back on the surgery table to correct previous dissatisfaction.

The results provided after a second surgery are usually more in line with what the patient expected but was too afraid to go through with the first time. Occasionally, a patient can become obsessed with a perceived flaw of the nose job. Be very careful to make sure that you are listening to your surgeon and to your loved ones. Some people can begin to suffer from body dysmorphic disorder after a couple of surgeries. This emotional disorder manifests itself in a desire to continue operating on the nose until it is perfect. Often the patient undergoes surgeries that are not necessary and could be harmful.

There are other reasons for needing to undergo a second rhinoplasty. Complications, although rare, do occasionally occur. You may find that you are experiencing difficulty breathing through your nose. Each patient is different and recovers from the original nose job differently. If you are experiencing functionality problems with your nose, it may be solvable with a secondary procedure.

If you are hesitant to o to the same surgeon for the rhinoplasty revision procedure, you should note that the problems that you are experiencing with your nose might have nothing to do with the surgeon. You should talk to them about your concerns and if you feel they are willing to discuss a revision honestly and openly, make an appointment. If you feel that the original surgeon is part of the problem, discuss your nose with a new surgeon. Second opinions are always welcome.

If it has been over a year since your original rhinoplasty, or if you are experiencing problems or dissatisfaction with your nose, consider receiving a revision procedure. Every year thousands of patients undergo successful revision work on their nose.

Choose a rhinoplasty Boston [] surgeon that can give you quality results. For more information, visit []

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